Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Cerebral Combustion

Tonight, I am foregoing what I had originally planned to write about and discuss more pressing matters.  After work today, my children started driving me crazy before I could even get in the house.  This persisted until about 10 minutes after bedtime, by which time I had (and still have) a huge headache.

So, tonight we're going to discuss headache remedies.

Ibuprofen does an okay job cutting a headache, but you have to take it in large doses to cut a kid-induced headache.

Acetaminophen seems to do a little better job for me.  But again, you have to take a little more than the recommended dosage.

The only drug that I've found that will cut a kid-inuced headache are the migraine formulas.  For some reason, the blend of acetaminophen, caffeine, and more just do it.

So, what works for you?

Hopefully, I'll get a much better article out tomorrow.


Nessa said...

Straight up aspirin for me.

DonM said...

Perhaps I could refer you to your last post. Just leave the acetaminophen in the cabinet. Better yet, throw it away because it is one of the leading causing of liver damage. If you must have a pill with that drink, take ibuprofin.

I finally figured out why I couldn't comment. After writing a long discourse on neckties, and another on my favorite beverages, only to see them locked in the never-never land of internet outspace, I finally paid attention to those oddly shaped letters. Damn, I just thought I had been drinking.